This animation is part of a hand posing sketching study. It’s animated with Blender

I created this animation for all the struggles out there fighting for basic human dignity and for everyone to be able to thrive and prosper. Unfortunately the system doesn’t allow most people to live a life in peace and only grants privilege to a few. The privileged benefit at the expense of the non-privileged. It’s a system built for everyone to fit in a norm. If you’re not a white male, you’ll be treated differently and less respectful. Being a woman, LGBTQI+, Black or PoC, Muslim etc. you’ll be exposed to systematic and structural discrimination, daily microagressions, “not getting this job because of your name, sex, race or sexual orientation” and one day up to apartheid regimes, police brutality, torture etc. Racism and homophobia is taught by our ancestors, we’re deeply conditioned by society and we got to unlearn our toxic patterns. When I worked on the animation – in my mind I referred to the brightest Color as “the skincolor” (I’m a white cis male) This thought I’ve been recognising as fundamentally wrong, but it keeps sneaking in when I’m not aware of myself. Welcome those thoughts and start unlearning them! This thyme and within the past years I’ve been discovering my societal conditioning in many encounters with my own self. There is no normal, there’s only the endless diversity of different. And that’s so genuinely beautiful that we COULD build a wonderful global community. It’s not gonna be easy but we gotta try hard. We’re all the same but currently we’re systemically NOT the same, have not the same rights, access and we’re divided into structurally privileged and non-privileged…Power to all the people…If you want this animation in full resolution I can send it to you to use it for your videos, documentations or school workshop for free. I’ll keep animating and composing music. Happy about any collaborations. If you feel like donating for my independent work or for your local communities feel free to do so. Peace and love, thyme is running out…